
Struggling with Obesity-Related Health Issues?

Many of us face obesity-related health issues. It’s not unheard of among our family and friends. We all know someone who is battling heart, mobility, fertility, or mental health problems. These issues make it difficult to feel comfortable in your body.

If you have to treat these, you need a well-rounded approach.

Root Cause

Today’s treatments only take care of the symptoms and do not get to the root cause of metabolic dysfunction. Patients frequently face pressure to lose weight.

Problems like insulin resistance, menopause, metabolic disorders, inflammation, and hormone imbalances caused by dieting all the time are neglected, though.

This can keep patients stuck in a cycle of failure and shame that makes it hard for them to make long-term progress while they get sicker and need more medicine.

Our Approach

At Whole Wellness Services, we use scientific, individualized methods to treat obesity.

GLP-1 agonist injectable weight loss medications like Semaglutide have shown promising results in healthcare and we use these as part of our comprehensive obesity management treatment.

We aim to provide the most comprehensive and supportive medication-assisted program available in Rochester, NY, and New York State.

In this program is a full range of services like functional medicine, reiki, yoga, individual therapy, and group therapy.

Join Us

You are welcome to join us on a holistic path to better health. We trust that medicines that work can help people make long-lasting changes for the better.

1. Basic Evaluation for Appropriateness: $240

2. Extended Evaluation: $350

3. Monthly Semaglutide Membership: $499

4. Discounted Monthly Semaglutide Membership for Existing Clients: $350

Whole Wellness Services offers comprehensive health and wellness solutions for specific individual needs. Their services include personalized fitness programs, nutritional guidance, mental health support, and more. They aim to improve general well-being through a holistic approach.

To know more, visit:

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